Austin's Cellar United States
Total Beers: 99  |  Unique Beers: 54  |  Breweries: 36
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Consumption History
Drank 25 oz of Axilla by Barrier Brewing (2015-02)February 26th, 2015
Drank 375 ml of Oude Kriek by 3 Fonteinen (2012-10)February 14th, 2015
Still had some cherry flavor. Musty and sour. Almost flat.
Drank 375 ml of Oude Gueuze Tilquin à L'Ancienne by Gueuzerie Tilquin (2014-01-08)February 4th, 2015
Drank 22 oz of Hot Burning Love by Barrier Brewing (2014)January 23rd, 2015
Drank 12 oz of KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) by Founders Brewing (2014)January 23rd, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Sophie by Goose Island Beer Co. (2012-01-30)January 21st, 2015
Over carbonated. Sad face.
Drank 22 oz of Imperial Force by Port Jeff Brewing Company (2014)January 11th, 2015
Drank 22 oz of Old Howling Bastard by Blue Point BrewingJanuary 7th, 2015
Drank 22 oz of Oak Aged Stout by Big Elm BrewingJanuary 7th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Scottish Porter by Innis & Gunn (2014)January 7th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Breakfast Stout by Founders Brewing (2014-09-24)December 30th, 2014
Drank 22 oz of Big John by Goose Island Beer Co. (2012-12-07)December 26th, 2014
Drank 750 ml of Hennepin Farmhouse Ale by Brewery Ommegang (2014-07-16)December 23rd, 2014
Drank 12 oz of Bourbon County Brand Coffee Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2014-11-07)December 20th, 2014
Drank 22 oz of Pecan Pie Porter by Clown Shoes (2014-09-08)December 20th, 2014