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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Proprietor's Bourbon County Brand Stout (2014)Goose Island Beer Co.American Imperial Stout13.2%
Proprietor's Bourbon County Brand Stout 2015Goose Island Beer Co.Russian Imperial Stout13.4%
The Pros and Cons of ChristmasBlack Rooster Brewery6.7%
ProspectFoley Brothers Brewing
prostatorElevation Beer Co.Rauchbier7.5%
Prostrator DoppelbockNicolet BrewingBock
ProtocosmosModern TimesAmerican IPA7.0%
PrototypeFoundation Brewing Co.American Amber / Red Ale6.3%
Prototype: All Day LongBrewDog LtdLow Alcohol Beer2.7%
Prototype: Alt AmberBrewDog LtdAltbier5.2%
Prototype: Hop FictionBrewDog LtdAmerican IPA6.5%
Prototype: Vagabond Pale AleBrewDog LtdAmerican Pale Ale4.5%
Prove It GruitSpiteful Brewing CompanyGruit / Ancient Herbed Ale5.5%
Provenance (Lemon & Lime)Jester King Craft BrewerySaison6.0%
Provenance (Orange & Grapefruit)Jester King Craft BrewerySaison5.6%