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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Thomas Cooper's Selection: Celebration AleCoopers Brewery
Thomas Hardy's AleInterbrau SpAEnglish Barleywine11.7%
Thomas Hardy's AleO'Hanlon's Brewing Company Ltd.Old Ale11.9%
Thomas Hardy's Ale (1968-1999)Eldridge, Pope and Co.Old Ale11.7%
Thomas Hardy's Ale (1968-1999)O'Hanlon's Brewing Company Ltd.Old Ale11.7%
Thomas Hardy's Ale (Royal) 1983Eldridge, Pope and Co.
Thomas Hardy's Ale 1987Eldridge, Pope and Co.English Barleywine
Thomas Hooker Irish Red AleThomas Hooker BrewingIrish Red Ale5.3%
Thomas Jefferson's Tavern AleYards BrewingEnglish Strong Ale8.0%
Thomas Kemper Belgian WhitePyramid Alehouse, Brewery and Restaurant - Berkeley
Thomas Kemper HefeWeizenPyramid Alehouse, Brewery and Restaurant - BerkeleyHefeweizen
Thomas Kemper PorterPyramid Alehouse, Brewery and Restaurant - BerkeleyAmerican Porter
Thomas Sykes BarleywineBurton Bridge Brewery
Thompson Pale AleSnowshoe Brewing - SonoraAmerican Pale Ale5.5%
Thoms Special AleThe LiveryAmerican Amber / Red Ale6.3%