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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Burns Scottish AleSly Fox Brewhouse and Eatery - Royersford5.3%
Burnt CaramelClown ShoesAmerican Brown Ale7.0%
Burntwood Black AleTwin Ports BrewingAmerican Porter
Burr GrinderIndeed Brewing CompanyHerb and Spice Beer5.1%
Burton AleBallantine11.3%
Burton BatonDogfish Head Craft BreweryImperial IPA10.0%
Burton Pale AleFaultline Brewing #2
Burton PorterBurton Bridge BreweryAmerican Porter
Burton-on-FunkLiquid Riot8.0%
BurundiPerennial Artisan AlesAmerican Imperial Stout10.3%
Busby StoutKeihan Uji KotsuAmerican Stout
Bush de NoelBrasserie Dubuisson Fréres sprlBelgian Dark Strong Ale12.0%
Bush PrestigeBrasserie Dubuisson Fréres sprlBelgian Pale Strong Ale13.0%
Bushwacker Collaboration (Sole Composition)Upright Brewing CompanySaison5.5%
Business CasualGreat Lakes BreweryBière de Garde6.0%