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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Dragon StoutDesnoes & Geddes LtdAmerican Stout7.5%
Dragon TipsBuxton BreweryAmerican Stout8.9%
Dragon's BreathBayern BrewingDunkelweizen6.0%
Dragon's BreathMustang Brewing Co.Chile Beer7.5%
Dragon's MilkNew Holland Brewing Company9.0%
Dragon's Milk Bourbon Barrel StoutNew Holland Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
Dragon's Milk Reserve Triple MashedNew Holland Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout14.0%
Dragon's Milk Reserve Vanilla ChaiNew Holland Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
Dragon's Milk Reserve with Coffee and ChocolateNew Holland Brewing Company
Dragon's Milk Reserve with RaspberriesNew Holland Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
Dragon's Milk Reserve with Raspberries and LemonNew Holland Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
Dragon's Milk Reserve with Toasted ChiliesNew Holland Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
Dragonfruit LambicUpland BrewingFruit Lambic
Dragonhead StoutOrkney BreweryAmerican Stout4.0%
DragonhosenBoulder Beer CompanyMärzen9.0%