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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Impromptu Pale AleGottberg Brew PubAmerican Pale Ale5.0%
Improv (Improvisación) Oatmeal Rye India-Style Brown AleCigar City BrewingAmerican Brown Ale9.0%
ImpulseBlue Moon Brewing Co.American Dark Wheat Beer8.5%
In Absentia LuciOther Half Brewing Co.
In Absentia Luci (Rum Barrel Aged)Other Half Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout11.0%
In PerpetuityTree House Brewing CompanyAmerican IPA6.7%
In The Name Of SufferingThree Floyds BrewingBlack IPA7.1%
In The Spirit Of Skully Barrel No. 2Paradox Beer CompanyWild Ale9.0%
In The Spirit Of Skully Barrel No. 3Paradox Beer CompanyAmerican Stout10.0%
In The Spirit Of Skully Barrel No. 4Paradox Beer CompanyWild Ale10.0%
In-2-TentsBase Camp Brewing CompanyImperial IPA7.7%
In-Heat WheatFlying Dog BreweryHefeweizen4.7%
InceptusThree Taverns Craft BeerWild Ale6.0%
IncorrigibleNew Holland Brewing Company4.9%
Incorrigible ReserveNew Holland Brewing Company4.5%