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Beer Brewery Style ABV
International Men of MysteryAmager BryghusImperial IPA8.5%
International Space Saison - RumStraight to Ale BrewingSaison
International Space Saison - TequilaStraight to Ale BrewingSaison8.5%
InterrobangSolemn OathTripel9.0%
Intersection of SpeciesJester King / Side Project / Off ColorSaison4.6%
Intersection Of SpeciesJester King Craft Brewery
Interstellar HitchikerMonkish Brewing Co.Saison5.3%
Interurban IPAFremont Brewing CompanyAmerican IPA6.2%
Interval Ale - Winter IonElement Brewing CompanyHerb and Spice Beer8.5%
IntimidatorStraight to Ale BrewingDoppelbock9.0%
IntrospectionDeciduous Brewing CompanyRussian Imperial Stout10.3%
Introvert Session IPALeft Hand Brewing CompanyAmerican IPA4.8%
Invasion Farmhouse IPAMikkellerAmerican IPA8.0%
Invasion IPAMikkeller/Anchorage
Invasion Pale AleCigar City Brewing5.0%