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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Iron City Amber Classic LagerPittsburg Brewing Co.American Amber / Red Lager
Iron City BeerPittsburg Brewing Co.American Lager4.5%
Iron City Light MangoPittsburg Brewing Co.Fruit and Field Beer3.8%
Iron Fist Pale AleRevolution Brewing LLCAmerican Pale Ale
Iron Hill Belgian TripelIron Hill Brewery - Wilmingon9.5%
iron horse IPAIron Horse BreweryAmerican IPA6.0%
Iron Horse Oatmeal StoutCarver Brewing Co.Oatmeal Stout
Iron Horse StoutRed Star Brewery & GrilleAmerican Stout
Iron JoeRahr & Sons Brewing CompanyScotch Ale / Wee Heavy8.0%
Iron Maiden TrooperFrederic Robinson Ltd.Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)4.7%
Iron Maiden Trooperrobinsons family brewersExtra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)
Iron Mike Pale AleMoat Mountain Smoke House & Brewing CoAmerican Pale Ale5.6%
Iron Mine Pale AleTop of the Hill Restaurant and BreweryAmerican Pale Ale
Iron O'Rourke's God Of Fear StoutCigar City Brewing
Iron Rail IPAWedge BreweryEnglish IPA7.2%