Chris's Cellar United States
Total Beers: 63  |  Unique Beers: 41  |  Breweries: 22
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Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of Quasimodo by Three Taverns Craft Beer (2015)June 13th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Plead the 5th Imperial Stout by Dark Horse Brewing Co.June 12th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Quasimodo by Three Taverns Craft Beer (2015)June 11th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Victory at Sea by Ballast Point Brewing Company (2015)June 10th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Valdez by Pisgah Brewing Co.June 6th, 2015
Drank 22 oz of Arrogant Bastard Ale by Stone Brewing Co.June 6th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Bomb! by Prairie Artisan Ales (2014)June 6th, 2015
Drank 375 ml of The Angel's Share - Bourbon Barrel Aged by The Lost AbbeyJune 3rd, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Dorado Double IPA by Ballast Point Brewing Company (2015)June 2nd, 2015
Drank 22 oz of Imperial Biscotti Break by Evil Twin (2013)June 1st, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Hopslam by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2014-01-17)May 31st, 2015
Drank 16 oz of Mattina Rossa by Allagash Brewing Company (2015-02-25)May 30th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Not Your Father's Root Beer by Small Town BreweryMay 29th, 2015
Drank 22 oz of The Didjits Blood Orange IPA by Burnt Hickory (2015-05-05)May 28th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Transmigration of Souls by Orpheus Brewing (2015-02-25)May 28th, 2015