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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Dark Lord / Aquavit BAThree Floyds BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout15.0%
Dark Lord Imperial StoutThree Floyds BrewingRussian Imperial Stout15.0%
Dark Lord Moscatel Barrel-AgedThree Floyds Brewing
Dark Lord Quit Hitting YourselfThree Floyds BrewingRussian Imperial Stout
Dark Lord RonaldoThree Floyds Brewing
Dark MatterBurley Oak Brewery6.4%
Dark MeddleGigantic Brewing Co.Vienna Lager5.9%
Dark MildBrewery Creek BrewingEnglish Pale Mild Ale3.5%
Dark MildCainsEnglish Dark Mild Ale3.2%
Dark N SourBlood Brothers7.0%
Dark Night of the SoulMonkish Brewing Co.11.1%
Dark O' the MoonElysian Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout6.5%
Dark PassengerGriffin ClawWheatwine12.0%
Dark PassengerParadise LostWild Ale7.7%
Dark PenanceFounders BrewingBlack IPA8.9%