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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Dark Side Vanilla PorterEmpyrean Brewing Company
Dark SignsWhite Pony MicrobreweryQuadrupel (Quad)13.1%
Dark SkullElectric NurseAmerican Imperial Stout10.7%
Dark Skybaird brewing companyRussian Imperial Stout
Dark sourPizza Boy Brewing Co.Wild Ale
Dark Sour DreamsWhite Birch BrewingWild Ale6.8%
Dark StarBBC Brewing Co., LLCAmerican Porter
Dark StarFremont Brewing CompanyOatmeal Stout8.0%
Dark StarMillrose BrewingAmerican Porter
Dark Star ESBPint's Pub Brewery and Freehouse
Dark Star Oatmeal StoutFremont Brewing CompanyOatmeal Stout8.0%
Dark Star Oatmeal Stout - Bourbon Barrel AgedFremont Brewing CompanyOatmeal Stout11.0%
Dark Star StoutBig Lake BrewingAmerican Stout7.5%
Dark Star With Oak, Hazelnut, And Smoked Long PepperFremont Brewing CompanyAmerican Stout8.0%
Dark Star, Blend 1Grey SailAmerican Imperial Stout8.5%